About our eBooks

We use the Glassboxx service from Firsty Group for delivery of our downloadable eBooks and audiobooks. This makes it very simple and quick for you to get the books you’ve purchased using the Glassboxx app on your Android or iOS phones and tablets, and Windows and macOS laptops/computers. It also means our books are protected from being copied, pirated and tampered with, so we keep our authors happy as well.

After making your first purchase, follow the links on the order success page to download the Glassboxx app to your phone, tablet or computer, and login with the email address used for your purchase. Your books will automatically appear in the MY BOOKS screen of the app, where you can read them using the built-in ereader.

App StoreGoogle PlayWindows StoremacOS download



To install Glassboxx on macOS,

  1. Download the dmg file
  2. Double click the file to open the installer
  3. Drag the Glassboxx icon into your Applications folder
  4. Go to Applications and click on the Glassboxx icon
  5. Click Open on the confirmation message

Once you have the app, there’s no need to download it again – whenever you buy more books, just head straight there and your new purchases will be waiting for you.

The Glassboxx app does not currently support Kindle, so if you wish to read in this format, please email us on glassboxxhelp@firstygroup.com with your order number and we’ll email a compatible version to you as quickly as possible.

If you have any questions about using the app, please go here or contact Firsty on glassboxxhelp@firstygroup.com.